Tuesday, May 20, 2014


The azaleas are popping left and right around town. These belong to a neighbor across the street. 

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

New Plants

I bought these plants today from a colleague at school. Not sure yet where I'll put them.

Grill Garden

Have not worked on this area yet this spring. Soon. Very soon.

Yard Work

Have been working the past couple days on the pictured part of the yard. It's starting to look as if someone is actually tending to it.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Bridal Wreath Spirea

Jim and Megan's bridal wreath spriria is budding nicely. I hope it produces some nice flowers this year.

Our Silver Maple

The leaves have not been a full on our silver maple for the past couple of years. We'll see how it does this year. Its buds are really starting to pop.


This weekend saw the buds beginning to noticeably pop. I can't believe it took into May to do so this year.

No Spring for You!

It's been so much cooler than usual since meteorological spring began.  I was beginning to think we'd be getting a case of....

Well, this weekend has been lovely and both days saw the temperature climb to at least 70. 
It's about time.

Blue Jay

Heard a blue jay just the other day before a rainstorm. It's been a while since I've heard that distinctive call.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Spring Has Sprung

It's nice to start seeing some flowers.


The sun finally peeked out yesterday. It hasn't been seen since a week ago today.